Monday, March 30, 2009

Fool them in April

April 1, is April Fool’s Day, a light hearted day where you try and trick others into believing something that would usually surprise them.

This year, fool yourself. How many times have you said to yourself at various times “I wish I had done that?” Many times, after the holidays, I’d lament my lack of discipline at the table. It was always…..”The next time it will be different”.

This April fools day, kick off the month of April with a game plan to get your health on track for the warm weather months ahead. Spring is here and it’s easier to get outside. The oxygen in your system is getting refreshed, the increased daylight helps your mind and your mood, and the warm weather makes you feel better physically.

Today is Monday, March 30th. Use today and tomorrow as your organizing days. Get rid of any foods that have been tempting you or derailing your progression to better health.

Find a container and fill it with water.
Find lean protein sources like eggs, chicken, turkey, pork or lean beef, and prepare them ahead of time.
Find a notebook and find a clean page.
Find some comfortable clothes and get them ready for Wednesday.
Make sure to get 7-8 hours sleep tonight and tomorrow night.

When April Fools day begins you will be prepared for success for not only that day, but the days ahead. Do the things you KNOW are right, but HAVEN”T been able to do.

Drink water at every meal.
Make sure to eat protein at each meal.
Write down exactly what you eat and drink, along with any exercise.
Get some sort of movement going, weather it’s stretching, walking, etc.

By the end of April Fool’s Day, you’ll feel energized, more relaxed, healthier and you’ll sleep better. On Thursday, repeat these same steps. By May 1, you’ll be glad you did. Any long road or Bid Adventure begins with the first step. Without that first, small stride….the journey never begins. Fool yourself April 1 and take the first step.

Good luck.

1 comment:

Eric, the New England travel writer said...

This is a great twist on April Fool's Day. Best wishes on your big adventure, Hank, and kudos to you for these inspirational health ideas and goals.