Monday, July 21, 2008

Got Sleep?

Sleep. S-L-E-E-P!!!! I never realized how important proper sleep is when it comes to losing weight.

I’ve recently been making an extra effort to get better sleep. When you’re trying to lose weight, I’ve realized how much easier it is to be well rested. I get fewer cravings, I feel better physically when I work out or walk, and I’m less irritable. My family likes it, too. I’m in a better mood, less grouchy and I eat less. It’s a homerun.

I’m down to 318 pounds. I was 375 when I started my journey of improving my health. Like I’ve mentioned, if it weren’t for Mike Boyle and his staff, I’d probably still be eating two ice creams every day, steak and cheese subs, cheese cake and napping three hours a day. I’m proud to say I don’t need a nap anymore to get me through the day. I’m shocked, to be honest.

It feels really terrific to be sweating from working out, when three months ago I’d sweat just lugging my Shrek-like body around. I’m still fat, but not as fat as I was…….and that feels great.

Mike’s website,, is an exceptional place to learn more about Mike, his staff and their fitness philosophy. Also check out Mike’s other site, That is the most in-depth website of its kind in the world. I go to both of them on a regular basis and I’ve increased my knowledge of health and wellness tenfold.

Thanks for following along on my Big Adventure. Please join me. If you ever have any questions, do not hesitate to email me at

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