Thursday, May 29, 2008

Going Strong!

WHOA………………I can’t believe I’ve been back on the straight and narrow for a month. I haven’t had one ice cream…..okay I had one…..I’ve only had one ice cream since May 1st. At one point a few months back, I didn’t think I could go two hours without eating something filled with sugar.

I just finished up my 10th workout in three weeks at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning in Winchester, and I’m just getting ready to play nine holes of golf.
I cannot believe that I’m passing up my precious nap for a physical activity. I really feel good despite the fact that I’m 351 pounds. Three weeks ago I was 368 and back in March I was 375. I can’t tell you what it is like to have an expert like Mike guiding me. He’s one of the best in the world, as humble as they come and a terrific human being. You’re always fortunate to have a friend like Mike in life.

At this point, it’s one foot in front of the other with forward progress always my goal. I really do feel a little better everyday, as corny as it sounds. I’m back into my size 50 pants (at one point I was in 54s) and I’m down from a 4x to a 3x in shirts. Now I realize most of you could camp out in my clothes if they came with poles, but it does feel good to progress.

Before you start any exercising, make sure to check with your doctor. Honestly.

Couple of hints once you start walking:

Start slow, don’t over do it, feel better taking little steps and got to Costco or BJs for a big container of Vaseline, because some of those parts that rub together can really hurt.

But, it’s a good hurt.

Any questions, send me an email at

Less fat than last week…….Hanky Shmank


jeannie said...

I just wanted to tell you to keep up the good work, I know it's hard but you will inspire alot of your fans who have also enjoyed their pizzas a little too much.
Thanks to you I have started walking 10 to 15 mins three times a week. I hope before too long I will do more in time and distance.
I put on my headphones and listen to music on tape or WROR.

Keep healthy
Jeannie M

MikeW said...


I know Mike Boyle personnally. he's one of our outstanding Springfield College alums. He's a great guy and one of the most knowledgable people in his field. He's the right guy for the job and will see you through to your goal.
